1 junio 2012
In 2006 the EACH conference announced the introduction of the Jozien Bensing Research Award for talented early career research, to be awarded biennially at EACH conferences. The first award was handed out to Lidia del Piccolo, the second to Mary Catherine Beach.

The third award will be presented at the St Andrews conference in September 2012.

The award is meant for researchers in the first 10 years of their research career – for example within 10 years of PhD or similar qualification, allowing for career breaks. Nominations can be sent by candidates themselves or by senior colleagues with the candidate’s agreement. Nominators should be a member of EACH.

The award consists of €2,000 and a commemorative sculpture.

The deadline for nominations is 1 July 2012.

The nomination should consist of:

1. An updated CV of the nominee, including a list of publications

2. A copy of the favorite publication by the nominee (in the eyes of the nominee him or herself)

3. Two letters of recommendation by senior colleagues or others, which describe the accomplishments of the candidate and make clear why this nominee is particularly promising and talented in the field of healthcare and communication research.

Nominations should be sent before 1 July 2012 to Professor Arnstein Finset, arnstein.finset@medisin.uio.no