25 noviembre 2013


Enhancing Quality of Care, Quality of Caring, and Resilience

May 7-10, 2014

Hosted by: The Center for Experiential Learning, University of Rochester Medical Center

A 4-day, retreat-like workshop designed to improve the quality of care that clinicians provide while improving their own resilience and well-being. The workshop offers an experiential learning environment where participants focus on developing the capacity for Mindful Practice – attentiveness, situational- and self-awareness, teamwork, and self-monitoring – even in stressful and demanding situations.

Designed for medical practitioners (physicians, NPs, PAs) and others involved in medical practice and education, the program combines didactic presentations and experiential exercises using narratives, appreciative inquiry, and contemplative practices such as mindfulness meditation. Session themes include teamwork, difficult conversations with patients/families, uncertainty in medicine, medical education, grief and loss, resilience and compassion.

The workshop will offer participants hands-on experience in teaching and facilitation with attention to promoting Mindful Practice Activities at participants' home institutions. Prior attendance at a Mindful Practice workshop or experience with contemplative practice is desirable, but not required.

Course Directors: Ron Epstein MD and Mick Krasner MD

Additional Course Faculty: Fred Marshall MD and Florence Meleo-Meyer MA MS

Sponsored By: The Department of Family Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center

Location/Accommodations: Chapin Mill Retreat Center, Batavia, NY

For more Information and to Register,

please visit http://www.cvent.com/d/tcqbgb [cvent.com]

or contact Ron Epstein at ronald_epstein@urmc.rochester.edu