25 noviembre 2013
YEACH possibility to apply for funding from R-EACH



The aims of the R-EACH committee are to promote intra- and international collaboration in

research on patient provider communication, to stimulate exchange of ideas and facilitate

networking amongst researchers throughout Europe, to facilitate contacts between individual

researchers and to support early career researchers in the field of communication research.

In order to further encourage collaboration among early career researchers within EACH (YEACH

group), R-EACH offers in 2013/2014 the possibility to apply for small grants (up to approx. 250

EUR) for collaborative activities (e.g., retreat for preparing a manuscript, writing a shared grant

proposal) within the YEACH group. A maximum of 4 grants in total might be given during that




YEACH members need to write a short grant proposal (1-2 pages), outlining 1) the activity with

its goals and 2) a rationale for why they think that this is useful and 3) a budget plan. Please

submit the proposal at least two months prior to the planned activity.


The following conditions apply:

1. The application must be by min. 3 junior researchers (from different countries).

2. Each applicant must be a paying EACH member.

3. The planned activity must serve a double purpose:

a) enhance networking,

b) enhance the quality of communication research.

4. Only one grant can be given per activity.

5. After receiving a grant, a short report to R-EACH in the outcome of the activity is



Grant applications should be directed to the chair of R-EACH (Hanneke de Haes) and sent to the

secretary of R-EACH (Isabelle Scholl): i.scholl@uke.de